Your apartment is your private space. Please keep your living in order regularly. The risk of things wearing out and breaking is greater than cleaning only just before departure. You have a vacuum cleaner in your apartment for general cleaning. Regularly remove garbage from the apartment.
Large trash cans are outside on the left side of the house:
Biodegradable waste placed in bulk (plastic bag in mixed waste).
Mixed  waste in a plastic bag, not individually (unscrew the caps).
Leave large cardboard boxes and other things next to the trash.


The kitchen has garbage bags, a kitchen brush and a sniffer, dish cleaner FAIRY and sink cleaner CIF. Restock as needed.
To ventilate the apartment, keep the windows open only for 10 - 15 minutes, during this time the air in the room changes. The radiators have an OPEN WINDOW FUNCTION and the radiators turn off automatically to avoid heating the outside air. 


The toilet has a toilet bowl brush and toilet cleaner WC-GEEL. Soap for hand washing is also available. Restock as needed. 
There is also a separate small brush for cleaning the siphon under the shower. The siphon cover must be raised and cleaned, let the water drain with a shower and cleaned with a small brush. The siphon cover must be replaced correctly so that the smell of sewage does not come. The shower head can be cleaned by rubbing the rubber holes by hand, no cleaning agents are required.
Examples: Cleaned Toilet Pot and Unmaintenanced Toilet Pot. 
If anything is unclear or you need more information, please feel free to ask. Have a nice life!  Student Home